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Türkiye 2023 Yılında Tüketim Malları İthalatı

What is Temporary Exportation in Turkey?

What is Temporary Exportation in Turkey? Temporary exportation is a process based on the principle of temporarily leaving goods sent abroad by an exporter outside the country for a certain period and then bringing them back to Turkey. This process typically includes exports made for
Türkiye'de İthalat ve Ekonomik Etkileri

Importation in Turkey and Its Economic Impacts

Importation in Turkey and Its Economic Impacts Turkey, as a country with a diverse economy, engages in importation across various sectors. Imports are generally concentrated in areas such as energy, raw materials, technology products, machinery, and equipment. The impacts of importation on the Turkish economy
Gümrük Hattı Renkleri ve Anlamları

Customs Line Colors and Their Meanings

Customs Line Colors and Their Meanings Customs line colors are a marking system used in international trade to facilitate the quick and efficient processing of customs procedures. These colors typically resemble those found in traffic lights and carry different meanings. Green Lane: The green lane
Türkiye'de En Çok İhracatı Yapılan Ürün Grupları: 2024 Güncel Bilgileri

Cold Storage: Key Details to Consider

Cold Storage: Key Details to Consider Cold storage plays a significant role in many industries, from the food industry to pharmaceutical storage. Providing suitable conditions to preserve the quality and freshness of products and prevent spoilage is crucial. However, to ensure that such storage systems
Tehlikeli Madde Taşımacılığı Uzmanlık Gerektirir

Dangerous Goods Transportation Requires Expertise

Dangerous Goods Transportation Requires Expertise The transportation of dangerous goods or hazardous materials (dangerous goods) is an extremely challenging task. It involves strict rules and regulations that must be carefully followed. Failure to comply with any aspect, such as packaging, labeling, or documentation, can result